Windows 8 Developer, Now Available for Download

I cannot wait any longer to try out Windows 8 into my computer, after Microsoft’s Windows 7 OS success, 8 going to make the biggest sell. Well, now you don’t have to wait any longer as the developer preview version of the Microport’s OS Windows 8 is now available for download.

Install it on a x-86-based 32-bit or a 64-bit machine. Activation is not required at all as it is for developers, but any one can download and install it. Keeping in mind that It’s far from a finalized version of the Windows 8, so if you are going to install it, expect ants and bugs.

But in any case, you should definitely check out Microsoft’s Windows 8 and before installing must check out the complete guidance of Windows 8 for getting familiar with new features and security

The download is available on Microsoft’s Official Website. If you install it, please share your experiences with us.

Download Windows 8 Now

Author : Hasan Rasheed


If you’ve been waiting for the next iPhone before upgrading, or you’ve been holding off on purchasing the iPhone 4 or your any other gadget in hopes that a new model is coming soon, you’ll only have to wait until this October to find out whether you can or not.
There have been a number of rumours on when the new Apple’s iPhone 5 will launch, and we are expecting the iPhone5 to go on sale at the start of this October, and its also expected Apple to announce it in between this month.
This could mean that the worldwide release of the iPhone5 would be 21st of October 2011, or it could mean that Apple intends to launch the iPhone5 in the US first and then in other markets like the UK shortly after, this is something they have done in the past with other iPhone released, although last year’s iPhone 4 went on sale in the US and the UK at the same time.
Reports sprung up back in July that Apple was looking to hire iPhone Sales Specialists for an “exciting project” to start August 16 and work through October 29. And this is giving some people reason to believe that the iPhone is going to release soon.

IPHONE 5 SPECS (Expected)

The iPhone 5 is rumoured to be getting a dual-LED flash and could accompany.
The current 3.5-inch screen is said to grow to 4 inches and also become edge-to-edge, eliminating the bezel. Some say the Retina Display’s resolution will stay the same and some say the resolution will be increased, but you can bet the iPhone will retain its high dpi count. It’ll be interesting to see if a larger display can maintain the same dpi levels though.
• Camera
There is also a rumor about the camera of iPhone 5 which is said to be 8MP or higher rear-facing camera for better photography experience and a 5MP front-facing camera for sharper face2face video.
• Network Support
iPhone 5 might support 4G-LTE network while 3G networks will also be there in iPhone 5, and its also expecting that CDMA will be working together in iPhone 5
• iOS
It is expected that Apple iPhone will come with new iOS 5.0 introducing new features for multi touch gestures, etc
Its been expected iPhone 5 and will be marketed as the budget iPhone.

Being Freelance Designer: The Other side Story

For me, being freelance designer is always fascinating and out of the ordinary. Nevertheless, it is not as easy as people assume it. There are some myths about the freelancing people have in their minds, some of them are as under:

Freelance Designing is (not) easy (at all)

Folks around assume freelance designing as an easy thing. All one need is a computer system with internet connection and certain designing software; it is not like this at all. While working as freelancer one needs to fuse with many skills keeping being excellent designer at top; the other skills includes project management, finance management, budgeting, marketing and client management to have flourishing career in designing webs.

Making Money is (not at all) a piece of cake

In case you are, assuming money will shower on you in first 30 days of being freelancer then wake up and wash your face. At time people start freelance designing, they assume they will start earning from first hour; well, it is myth – a horrible one. Freelancing makes money, but it takes few years of late night works, and early morning wake ups with tons of hard work and determinations. Like every else career freelancing also needs time to bloom and flourish in your pocket.

(No) Time for Social Life

Being a freelancer, it is trickiest task to manage a balance between professional and social life. As a freelance designer is a sole caretaker of all his tasks, sometimes he finds it difficult to shut the computer to attend a gathering. Though it seems fun, working from home as one has no need to rush for transport to reach office at time but there are other dilemmas in freelancing; most of the time a freelance designers needs to say bye-bye to his social life in order to complete some tasks.

Therefore, wrapping the whole thing up, freelance designing is exploratory but it takes time and efforts to get experience and make millions with freelance designing.

Author : Hasan Rasheed

OS X Lion – Beauty Outside, Beast Inside!

Apple’s OS X Lion is the latest and current major release for Mac OS X. Apple’s new release has given a new definition technology. This new desktop and server operating system made its release by the end of July 2011. In promotions, Apple refer it as OS X Lion and reports sales of more than a million on the first day of its release.

Author : Hasan Rasheed